Описание к видео Teen Wolf | ♦ BEST OF COACH FINSTOCK ♦

So finally this video is done. This took WAY too long and YES I know I did a mistake. I know I spelled losing wrong. :D But I totally didn't noticed it. Anyway I hope you really enjoyed this video. And I also know that there are way more funny scenes but yeah...

After I met Orny this weekend I really HAD to do this. Coach Finstock is my favorite character on the show. Teen Wolf wouldn't be the same without him. Whenever you see Coach appears on screen you know that something funny is going to happen and you gonna laugh your ass off. So actually I was pretty excited to meet Orny and guys I can tell you, he is the funniest person I've ever met. I really hope Coach will stay alive, because otherwise I have NO idea how they gonna do all this fun stuff on that show.
(by the way...if my english is not that perfect I'm sorry but it's pretty late here in Germany and I'm tired like hell)

Program: Sony Vegas Pro 12
Coloring: mine
Song: Benny Hill Theme


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