Still Celista to Me / Celista B.C. / FPV Drone

Описание к видео Still Celista to Me / Celista B.C. / FPV Drone

A return to a place of childhood memories!
I learned to ice skate on what's now the paved parking lot, I sold my NES for less money than I'm proud of in that hall, I got stung a crap- ton by the bees in the Lilacs.

Song is "Old School Rules" by MF DOOM (rip)
   • Old School Rules  

Are you a multirotor pilot in northern Alberta? (Peace Country)
wanna fly with me? drop me a line!

I fly a Vortex 230 Mojo, through a Spektrum DX6 controller, and Spektrum Focal V2 goggles. Filmed with a Gopro Hero 8 Black

Nobody pays me to use any of this stuff.


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