CMake fundamentals step by step with basic example - Part 1

Описание к видео CMake fundamentals step by step with basic example - Part 1

The biggest problem working with C/C++ application development is it's build system.

Also this is one of the bottle neck, where lot of developer doesn't stay long with C/C++ application development, and they look for better and easy build system, which they only get in other programming languages like Rust, Java, C# et. not in C/C++

Also other pain point in C/C++ application development is they have lot of options for build system. Choosing one build system among many is one other pain point. Even after they choose, if project demands
to migrate to other build system, it's a nightmare.

To tackle add these problems we have CMake build system generators

In simple CMake is not a build system rather its generator of build system. You can choose the build system which you want to generate.

Learning CMake is not as simple as we hear, because we thing too much about compiling, linking and including.

In CMake, you can concentrate on organizing your folder structure rather than bothering about your build system and how to edit it. that is the beauty of CMake.

All C/C++ application program has three major things
1. How to create executable, shared library and static library
2. How to supply library to consumers
3. How to consume libraries from others

All these can be addressed easily with CMake irrespective of build system

In this upcoming videos, I will be explaining above three mentioned points

Since it is my first video tutorial, feel free to post your feedback


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