肝血管瘤的发病原因是什么 党之俊 山西省肿瘤医院

Описание к видео 肝血管瘤的发病原因是什么 党之俊 山西省肿瘤医院

肝血管瘤的发病原因是什么 党之俊 山西省肿瘤医院

What is the cause of hemangioma of the liver
First, congenital dysplasia, The occurrence of hemangioma of the liver is caused by congenital vascular malformation of the terminal of the liver. During embryonic development, As a result of the abnormal development of the liver blood vessels, endothelial cells proliferate abnormally to form hemangioma of the liver. Second, the theory of hormone stimulation, Female adolescence, pregnancy, oral contraceptives and so on can accelerate the growth of hemangioma. Female hormones may be a pathogenic factor of hemangioma, And capillary tissue, After infection, it is easy to deform and cause telangiectasia, After local necrosis of liver tissue, the blood vessels expanded to form vacuoles, The blood vessels around it are congested and dilated, Regional stagnation of blood circulation in the liver leads to cavernous expansion of blood vessels.


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