Legend of Kage REVIEW for NES | Fun or Ridiculous? | Rewind Mike

Описание к видео Legend of Kage REVIEW for NES | Fun or Ridiculous? | Rewind Mike

I'm back, with another review for a classic NES title. The Legend of Kage is one of those games I couldn't beat as a kid. It's nice that I took the time to finish it off. I suggest this game to anyone just building an NES collection. The fast game play and hardcore difficulty will hone any noobies skills.

Although I haven't played much of the arcade port, it runs and looks much smoother. It's also a ton more difficult!! I hope you guys enjoy it!!

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►►  / rewindmike  

Konami: The NES Years Playlist ►► https://www.bit.ly/29h7lc


Dont forget to check out some of my other reviews!!!

Honorable Mentions: SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive ► http://bit.ly/2bpfwFo

Capcom Power System and Three Wonders Review ► http://bit.ly/2fTgxpD

NES Hard | Little Nemo: The Dream Master ► http://bit.ly/2b8Angh

Solstice: Quest for the Staff of Demnos ► http://bit.ly/2duGuGT

Final Famicom Release: Adventure Island 4 ► http://bit.ly/29MB4ZT

The Legend of Kage Arrangement created by Vurez, you can listen to the whole thing here!

   • The Legend of Kage | Arrangement in T...  


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