AI SaaS Chat Bot using MERN Stack – Tutorial

Описание к видео AI SaaS Chat Bot using MERN Stack – Tutorial

Learn how to build a secure and scalable AI chatbot with the MERN Stack and advanced authentication in this comprehensive course! The project is a ChatGPT Clone. The project uses React, Node, MongoDB, Express, and Typescript. By the end of this video you will have a deep understanding of creating an advanced, secure, and production ready SaaS applications with the MERN stack.

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✏️ Created by ‪@IndianCoders‬

Key features:
MERN stack deep guide
Create user authentication and authorization system
Implementing express-validators middleware to validate data
Storing user's chats in MongoDB
Generating custom and our own authentication system
Using JWT authorization tokens, HTTP only cookies
Protecting user routes with verification checks
Modern React app with Vite
Creating beautiful chat UI with Material UI library
Complete responsive design
Modern design
Integrating OpenAI with Node, Express MERN stack app
A full stack ChatGPT like clone
Storing user sessions

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
0:00:35 Introduction, Demo and Overview
0:07:39 Deep Introduction About Our Goals
0:08:33 What is MERN Stack?
0:09:56 Why should we use MERN Stack instead of other stacks?
0:12:30 Technical Introduction On Our Project
0:13:57 Setup Node, Express Starting Project With TypeScript
0:18:52 How to create REST API With NodeJS and Express (Practical)
0:31:15 Setup MongoDB Database Connection
0:43:46 Get API Keys From OpenAI
0:46:05 Setting Up Routes For Users and Chats
0:53:19 Define Database Models and Schema
0:59:30 Creating our first GET Request to get all users
1:05:24 Creating User Signup POST Route To Store Users
1:13:35 What is a Middleware?
1:18:20 Setting up data validation middleware with express-validator library
1:29:34 Creating User Login Route
1:37:51 Deep dive into User Authentication and Authorization With JWT Access Tokens and HTTP Only Cookies (Explanation)
1:44:45 Implementing JWT Tokens
1:49:50 Setting HTTP Only Cookies with Cookie-parser
1:57:05 Setting Up Frontend. A React App With Vite and Typescript, Installing Dependencies, Importing Fonts
2:08:29 Creating a customized theme of Material UI
2:09:58 Add Routes with react-router-dom
2:14:16 Design App's Header
2:23:30 Adding Authentication Context Provider
2:36:32 Adding Navigation Links To Header
2:46:07 Designing Login Screen UI
3:05:40 Creating and Sending API Request to backend
3:19:33 Keeping the user logged in: Verify JWT Token Validity and Login the user
3:35:43 Integrating OpenAI to NodeJS application and creating chat completion route request
3:51:57 Designing Chat Page UI on Frontend
4:25:03 Sending API Request For Chat completion
4:34:26 Display Code Blocks in React App
4:51:00 Fetch All Chats Of User On Refresh
4:58:16 Deleting all chats of user
5:02:56 Adding Protected Routes and Logout user request
5:11:50 Creating Signup UI
5:15:30 Design Homepage UI: Adding Typing Animation and Images Rotation and Screenshot of our chat.
5:31:21 Fixing alignment issues
5:34:35 Summary!

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 Oscar Rahnama


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