How to use Keystep Pro Control Mode - sequence Midi CC's - modulate Korg Volca & External Synth/Gear

Описание к видео How to use Keystep Pro Control Mode - sequence Midi CC's - modulate Korg Volca & External Synth/Gear

How to send Midi CC# messages to Korg Volca and other external synths and modules / modular gear using the Arturia KeyStep Pro in Control Mode.
I fitted a MidiTribe Midi kit (Midi In / Out) to the Monotribe last week so started looking at what I could do with the Midi CC's now available on what was formerly a fairly analog device. In this video I look at the 3 ways what are available, step edit, pattern edit & realtime recording to enter CC's into the sequencer to modulate the LFO rate & intensity on the Monotribe and the Volca Bass sequences which I quickly finger blasted in, along with the Volcas Cut-Off intensity. Another benefit of the Midi Kit is that the Monotribe can now be used as a Midi to CV converter via its Sync Outs (Much the same as the KSP..!)
Turns into a short jam at the end to hear the effects of the Midi CC data in place.
The video on how to fit the Midi Kit to the Korg along with other info can be found on my channel.
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