Empty Sky | Synthwave Music

Описание к видео Empty Sky | Synthwave Music

Did Icarus scream as he fell?
Did he weep?
Or did he smile at the empty sky
that was his true and final home?

Falling, I now understand
it wasn't hubris that killed us.
It was the joy we saught like
flies to a glue trap.

I hope heaven is kinder than
the hard soil that's all our's fates.
I hope this beautiful blue never ends,
clouds forever stretching into the never ending empty sk-


Feel free to use this music, just attribute back to here.
Written by Leo Esparte as part of Auroros.
Produced using the Reaper DAW and Spitfire LABS.

youtube: Ambient Music,Neoclassical Music,Post-Rock,experimental music,indie music,dreamcore,weirdcore,creative commons music,music,sleep music,meditation music,study music,chill music,background music
soundcloud: Ambient Neoclassical Post-rock experimental indie creative-commons dreamcore weirdcore sleep meditation study chill background


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