Jungle | Oliver & Company

Описание к видео Jungle | Oliver & Company

Another upload in ~3 weeks time? CRAZY.

I'm actually SUPER pleased how this came out, and I'm relieved i managed to pull it off because I was straight obsessed with this song and there was only one movie I wanted to use with it and I accomplished it so yay. :3 I also had fun fucking with colour, effects, and text more than I usually do (at least lately, nil Molly).

I feel like I've gotten a new surge of inspiration for editing lately (I finished this video muuuch faster than I have any of my latest ones, which have been pretty sluggish) so I hope that sticks around. Up next is hopefully a collab with someone truly special.~

Much thanks to Keyinei for giving me ideas (mostly when it comes to colouuurs) and TSCAfied for helping me when I got STUCK (and inspiring me with her "This Place Hotel" video). aaand Christinem2007 who is at my house right now and got to give me tips and requests in the flesh. B) awwyeah.

ENJOY PEEPS and give me feedback if you want. Thank you. :3



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