Yancoal Ashton Coal: Recreating Nature Project [2016 NSW Mining HSEC Awards]

Описание к видео Yancoal Ashton Coal: Recreating Nature Project [2016 NSW Mining HSEC Awards]

Ashton Coal is located approximately 14 kilometres Northwest of Singleton in the Upper Hunter Valley of NSW. The operations include an underground coal mine, which is overlaid by the watercourse Bowmans Creek.

In December 2010, Ashton Coal was granted approval to redirect sections of Bowmans Creek, to allow for the optimised mining of coal at the Ashton Underground Mine. The proposal involved the construction of two diversions to mitigate potential impacts on the flow of Bowmans Creek, in the event mine subsidence affected direct hydraulic connection to the creek.

Ashton Coal's Recreating Nature proposal won the 2016 NSW Mining HSEC Environment Excellence Award.

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