Train a Anxiety Alert for Service Dogs - Interrupt Self-Harm

Описание к видео Train a Anxiety Alert for Service Dogs - Interrupt Self-Harm

Teach your Psychiatric assistance dog to indicate that you are having a panic attack or to interrupt increasing #anxiety or self-harm behavior.

Check out our online class for this and other related tasks!

Video brought to you by Service Dog Training Institute. Online and in-person training for self-trained service dogs since 2008.

Book a web cam consult to learn more!

0:00 Introduction
0:26 Choose the alert behavior & train it
1:07 Add a verbal cue
2:00 Choose anxiety or self-harm behavior you want interrupted

#servicedog #assistancedog #assistancedogs #tasks #trainingclass #DIYservicedog #positivedogtraining #servicedog #ptsddog #anxietyalert #selfharm #dogtrainingptsd #anxietytask #alertbehavior #nosenudge #scratching


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