Sun Wukong (Journey to the West) Public Version Release | Mugen JUS Char

Описание к видео Sun Wukong (Journey to the West) Public Version Release | Mugen JUS Char

Original author of bvn char by SHEN-ZILLA-44

Some additional sprites by me

Some codes, Fxs and effects:
Mog:    / @mog2500  
SoulFire:    / @soulfiremugen  
Jonhny6969:    / @jonhny6969  
Shinra Production:    / @shinrashi13  
Yūgen:    / @yugenmg  
Dr Animation:    / @dranimationmugen  
Joey Jostar:    / @joeyjostar20  
InSeph:    / @inseph  
Tenken3 and wl137

Stage by Mugen Gamer:    / @mugengamer6216  

(If I forgot someone, please let me know)


Note: This is the public version of the character, if you want an upgraded version with newer controls and more specials, supers and ultimates, or just want to support me, "vip version" video link down below.

Vip version:    • Sun Wukong (Journey to the West) Vip ...  

Invite me a coffee:

00:00 - Movement
00:21 - A combo
00:38 - B and B + C combo
00:50 - C and C hold combo
00:59 - Down A and Down A + C combo
01:04 - Down B combo
01:14 - A air, B air and C air combo
01:35 - Z
01:41 - D F A (Special 1)
01:51 - D B A (Special 2)
02:01 - D F B (Special 3 and a mini combo)
02:12 - D B B (Special 4)
02:20 - D F C (Special 5)
02:28 - D B C (Special 6)
02:49 - Y (Super) (can be used when the "Super bar" full)
02:56 - Down Z (Summon clone)
03:24 - X (Ultimate 1)
04:23 - D B A+B (Ultimate 2)
04:48 - Win
05:03 - Lose

#wukong #sunwukong #journeytothewest #mugen #mugenjus #mugenjuschar


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