Fixing My Low Back Without Drugs or Surgery! | Carmen | RehabFix Online Low Back Program

Описание к видео Fixing My Low Back Without Drugs or Surgery! | Carmen | RehabFix Online Low Back Program

💥 Carmen from Los Angeles was struggling with low back pain and sciatica for 5 years after a squatting injury.
She had tried physical therapy and multiple online rehab programs but felt no change or just temporary relief.
Carmen wanted to learn how to resolve these issues on her own so she could get back to living a fit and active lifestyle!
Now through the RehabFix Online Low Back Program Carmen has significantly resolved her sciatica and low back pain! She is confident in her body again and is back to running when she thought she would never run again!
Carmen has gained control of her body and knows what to do! Your motivation and commitment is paying off! You are bulletproof! 💪

✅ Want to fix your low back 1-on-1 with me? Apply using the link for acceptance into the RehabFix Online Low Back Program for 1:1 coaching!

Based out of Tampa, Florida

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