*REACTION* Bones & Drew The Architect - ModernArchitecture (Part 5)

Описание к видео *REACTION* Bones & Drew The Architect - ModernArchitecture (Part 5)

This Dope Community Request is brought to you by The Dopest Community! This past Friday Bones and Drew The Architect decided to bless us with an album out of now where. I've been bust since it dropped but I made time to check it out with you guys. I was really loving the way this album started with Bones spazzing out. Drew was cooking up on every beat, It was masterfully produced. My favorite track was ComplimentaryDeepTissueMassage. He had a really great verse and the drums went crazy. Really enjoyed the album in it's entirety. Let me know what YOU think. Thanks for always supporting and showing up!

Big Shout Outs To @TeamSESHBones and @drewthearchitect For This Fire Album!

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