In My Life (The Beatles); Lade soprano sax, alto sax, guitar, bass

Описание к видео In My Life (The Beatles); Lade soprano sax, alto sax, guitar, bass

I recently watched the Better Sax review (link below) of Amazon's $286 soprano sax where the bemused reviewer admitted that, astonishingly, it was actually playable. I bought one myself and I bloody LOVE it. Sounds just like a real one, which is way more than I had any right to expect for literally 20% what a decent student model usually costs.

I recently heard a beautiful acoustic version of The Beatles’ In My Life, since when it’s been completely stuck in my head, so I knocked together a basic arrangement to feature the newest member of the lineup. Hope you like it.

Better Sax review of the Ammoon Lade soprano:
   • Cheap Amazon Soprano Sax VS Professio...  


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