Helm Chart Deployment to Azure Kubernetes Service AKS

Описание к видео Helm Chart Deployment to Azure Kubernetes Service AKS

Learn how to configure Helm to automatically push a docker image to Kubernetes cluster for Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS).

Learn how to generate Helm charts, modify it, and deploy applications using Helm CLI and commands. You will also learn how to pull a docker image from a public container registry, deploy your application to the docker image then push the image to a private container registry so helm can push that image to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS).

What will be covered in this video:

What is Helm Chart?
What is Helm?
Why to use Helm?
How does Helm work?
Some examples of Helm commands
Helm Create
Helm Install
Helm Repo add
Helm Search

Install Azure CLI
Install Windows package management (Chocolatey)
Install Helm CLI
Provision Azure Container Registry (ACR) on Azure
Provision Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) on Azure
Git clone to a sample node.js application
Build a docker image for node.js and push it to the ACR
Generate Helm Chart and update the Chart (template)
Send Helm Chart to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to deploy the node.js sample application

Helm is a tool that uses package management to enable creating, installing, and managing applications inside of Kubernetes much easier, configurable, and repeatable.

Using helm you can:
Find prepackaged software (charts) to install and use
Easily create and host your own packages
Install packages into any Kubernetes cluster
Query the cluster to see what packages are installed and running
Update, delete, rollback, or view the history of installed packages
Helm makes it easy to run applications inside Kubernetes.

About the Author
   • Mohamed Radwan is a Principal DevOps ...  
  / mohamedahmedradwan  
  / mradwan06  

#Helm #Azure_Kubernetes_Services #Kubernetes #Kubernetes_cluster #Azure_Container_Registry #AKS #docker

Commands in this video:
Azure CLI

az (not installed)

az (installed)

choco (not installed)

choco (installed)

Helm (not installed)
choco install kubernetes-helm
Helm (installed)

Create an Azure Container Registry
az group create --name AKSRG --location uksouth
az acr create --resource-group AKSRG --name RadwanACR --sku Basic

Create an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
az aks create -g AKSRG -n MyAKS --location uksouth --attach-acr RadwanACR --generate-ssh-keys

Connect to your AKS cluster
kubectl (not installed)
az aks install-cli
az aks get-credentials --resource-group AKSRG --name MyAKS
kubectl (installed)

Download the sample application
git clone https://github.com/Azure/dev-spaces
cd dev-spaces/samples/nodejs/getting-started/webfrontend

Create a Dockerfile
FROM node:latest

WORKDIR /webfrontend

COPY package.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .

CMD ["node","server.js"]

Build and push the sample application to the ACR
az acr build --image webfrontend:v1 --registry RadwanACR --file Dockerfile .

Create your Helm chart
helm create webfrontend

Run your Helm chart
helm install webfrontend webfrontend/
kubectl get service --watch

kubectl get pods
Solove the issue of opening Kubernetes Dashboard
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding kubernetes-dashboard
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kubernetes-dashboard --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:kubernetes-dashboard --user=clusterUser

az aks browse --resource-group AKSRG --name MyAKS


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