Pray For Me - The Weeknd (zeek power cover)

Описание к видео Pray For Me - The Weeknd (zeek power cover)

I did this video waaaaaaay earlier this evening but for some reason my video converter wouldn't render the file in its entirety and so I've been sitting here staring at my laptop screen for the past 3 hours trying to figure out what's wrong but I haven't been able to work it out so I've decided to just upload the whole 4GB file on here instead and just wait it out but it took like 5 mins for the ticker thing to go from 0% to 1% cause my wifi has decided to slow down and take it easy which has in turn caused YouTube to give me a waiting time of approximately 2hrs and 45mins which I'm definitely not eager to wait around to see complete so I'm typing this description out and then I'm gonna put my Mac on charge for the night and then leave this thing to upload while I sleep cause I'm like hella tired and at that point where my body is like "dude... I know that we already had dinner and stuff but I also know we got that yellow pack of doritos just sitting there waiting to be investigated and it's late so I'm feeling peckish again fam so help" but I know I shouldn't cause I won't sleep for another bunch of time and then I also won't have a snack for tomorrow when I'm feeling peckish and in the mood for some triangular crispy oven-baked goodness.

pray for me.


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