Interview with Stephan Ewen the Founder of Restate on Durable Computing

Описание к видео Interview with Stephan Ewen the Founder of Restate on Durable Computing

Restate allows you to build modern reliable and scalable applications with ease. Almost any application is a distributed system, nowadays, since they are composed of different communicating components. With every component, the number of possible failure scenarios increases Network partitions, hardware failures, timeouts, race conditions, etc. Restate lets you write distributed applications that are resilient to these failures. It does this by providing a distributed, durable version of common building blocks (durable functions, RPCs, queues, promises, and timers, K/V state, and effects). For these building blocks, Restate handles failure recovery, idempotency, state, and consistency. This way, you can implement otherwise tricky patterns in a few lines of code without worrying about these concerns.

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