Mountain Days Vlog, Pilot Episode: Clach Glas, Blaven Winter Traverse on Skye with Huw

Описание к видео Mountain Days Vlog, Pilot Episode: Clach Glas, Blaven Winter Traverse on Skye with Huw

Huw and I work the winter season in the mountains of Scotland. 2020 was my 16th year of chasing the ephemeral and definitely seemed to have a shortage of bluebird days! Just at the very end of our stint however the conditions and the forecast combined to give us a special day and it coincided with us both having a day off!

We hopped across to the Isle of Skye and enjoyed this traverse of Clach Glas and Blaven. We do it every spring on our Skye scrambling week but had never done it in winter conditions before - as you can see we were in for a treat.

Just a few days later we each headed home to North Wales and haven't left home since! I have deliberately held off publishing the film, it didn't seem right in the early days of the lockdown. I hope that the timing of it helps ease a bit of boredom or provides some inspiration for the future rather than adding to anyones frustration at being at home!

We will all be back in the mountains, we will look back and laugh and I hope we will all appreciate more the freedoms we have and the people we share them with.

See you in the mountains soon.

Rob Johnson

This YouTube channel is where I record my adventures in the mountains. I make films professionally for a wide range of outdoor clients and you can see that work on my website

I also run courses and guiding as a professional Mountaineering Instructor with my good friend Huw and you can find out more at

For mountain images follow me on Instagram @Filmuphigh.

For the full Mountain Days Vlogs series visit:


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