Living alone in PH 🇵🇭 | Resigning from work 💼 | IKEA Tour | Pinoy street foods🍜 | Ep. 9

Описание к видео Living alone in PH 🇵🇭 | Resigning from work 💼 | IKEA Tour | Pinoy street foods🍜 | Ep. 9

Hello guys!! so finally I am resigning from my full time job being a public auditor. Waahhh this is such a big change and I dunno where will I be after this. As an accountancy grad I am torn if I still want to pursue a career in auditing or should I try working in corporate either way I pray that I will be able to land a good job in the following months.

While figuring out my future, I will use this time to reset and spend time with my loved ones. Always remember to not put too much unnecessary pressure in yourself and cherish the time you have now in the present.

Thank you so much for appreciating what I do, it means a lot to me. Take care always you guys, we can do this! wuv u!! 🥰

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