Master Modular Android App Development | Jetpack Compose, Dagger Hilt, Room, MVVM Guide

Описание к видео Master Modular Android App Development | Jetpack Compose, Dagger Hilt, Room, MVVM Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide on building a fully modularized Recipe Search App using the latest Android development tools and best practices! In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll explore the entire process of creating a scalable and efficient app with a focus on Modularization, Navigation, Dagger Hilt, Room Database, and Clean Architecture with MVVM. We'll be leveraging Jetpack Compose to ensure a modern, responsive, and user-friendly UI.

Initial Project :

Video Overview:

Kick off with an overview of the app, highlighting its features and the importance of using modularization for better code management and scalability. Understand the tools and architecture choices that will drive the development process.

Dive deep into modularizing your Android project. Learn how to break down your app into distinct, manageable modules to improve build times, reusability, and maintainability. We'll guide you through creating feature modules, data modules, and core modules, showcasing best practices and practical examples.

Seamless navigation is crucial for user experience. We'll use Jetpack Navigation to handle transitions between different screens in our app. This includes setting up the Navigation Component, creating navigation graphs, and ensuring smooth activity and fragment transitions.

Dagger Hilt:
Simplify Dependency Injection (DI) with Dagger Hilt. We'll integrate Hilt to manage dependencies across different modules, reducing boilerplate code and enhancing testability. Learn how to set up Hilt, create modules and components, and inject dependencies effectively.

Room Database:
Implement a robust local database using the Room Persistence Library. Learn how to define entities, Data Access Objects (DAOs), and the database itself, along with performing CRUD operations to manage your recipe data efficiently.

Clean Architecture with MVVM:
Adopt Clean Architecture principles to ensure a scalable and testable codebase. We'll use the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern to separate UI and business logic. This section covers creating ViewModels for managing UI-related data and repository classes for handling data operations.

Jetpack Compose:
Build a modern and responsive UI using Jetpack Compose. We'll guide you through creating composable functions, managing state, and integrating Compose with ViewModels to create a seamless user interface for the Recipe Search App.

Putting It All Together:
Integrate all components and modules to create a fully functional, modularized Recipe Search App. We'll test the app to ensure everything works seamlessly, from navigation and data persistence to dependency injection and UI rendering.

Why Watch This Video?
Comprehensive guide on modularizing Android apps
Learn best practices for project structure and code management
Master Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt
Implement local data storage with Room Database
Understand and apply Clean Architecture and MVVM
Create beautiful UIs with Jetpack Compose
Perfect for developers aiming to build scalable and maintainable Android apps
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this tutorial provides all the knowledge and skills you need to build robust and scalable Android applications. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth tutorials!

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00:00 Intro
02:11 Final Project Demo
03:27 Talking about project structure and modules
04:23 Creating modules
06:36 Start our project with data layer ( search feature )
09:22 Retrofit setup
15:31 Domain layer ( search feature )
16:50 SearchRepository Interface
17:55 SearchRepositoryImpl in data layer repository
20:07 Mappers ( data model to domain model )
28:33 Provide SearchRepository Implementation
29:12 Start writing UseCases for domain layer
34:13 SearchRepository Implementation ( Code Modification )
35:05 UI layer
35:46 ViewModels creation
47:20 Navigation setup
58:53 Debugging or Compile time problems
59:48 UI Layer - Recipe List Screen( Search Feature )
01:08:20 Execution and Debugging
01:12:07 Navigation setup in recipe list screen
01:15:07 Recipe Detail Screen (UI)
01:23:28 Execution and Debugging
01:27:33 Introduction of ROOM Database
01:39:57 RecipeDetailsViewModel
01:41:33 Create Useless for Room Database
01:46:11 RecipeDetailsScreen ( Make some changes )
01:47:53 Favourite Screen
02:09:49 Execution and Debugging
02:13:45 Media Player
02:24:44 Outro


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