Pack Talking Episode

Описание к видео Pack Talking Episode

In this conversation, Andre Millan discusses the challenges of being Cesar Millan's son. He talks about the pressure to always be in the public eye and the need to avoid getting caught up in negative situations. Andre also shares his experience of grief and how he used work and the support of his family to navigate through it.

The conversation touches on the importance of consistency, discipline, and finding joy in the journey. In this conversation, Bobby and Andre discuss their past experiences with dog-related shows and their adventures in Las Vegas. Andre shares stories about walking a large pack of dogs through dangerous neighborhoods and the unique bond his father has with dogs. They also touch on the importance of respect and trust when interacting with animals.

Follow us on Social media:
Ben- @bak9training_
Bobby- @bobbytassone
Doriam- @lamk9


00:00 Introduction and Welcome
01:17 The Challenges of Being Cesar Milan's Son
11:09 Finding Ways to Heal and Stay Productive
15:03 The Power of Consistency, Discipline, and Joy in the Journey
36:01 Walking a Pack of Dogs Through Dangerous Neighborhoods
38:29 The Importance of Respect and Trust with Animals
45:37 Memorable Moments in Las Vegas


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