How to Control Myopia Progression in Children **UPDATED** (2023/2024) | 四大近視控制方法

Описание к видео How to Control Myopia Progression in Children **UPDATED** (2023/2024) | 四大近視控制方法

Worrying that your child's glasses prescription is climbing every year? THIS is the video for you!!! There are now scientifically proven methods for myopia control to effectively slow the progression of nearsightedness in children. Find out what methods may work for your child!

If you are in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, you can book an eye appointment with me at Ardent Vision Eyecare through our website!
Ardent Vision Eyecare is committed in providing an approachable, high quality, one-stop eye care and eyewear for you and your family in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. Services available in English, Cantonese and Mandarin!

*Chinese subtitles available with Subtitles/CC function!!*

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Instagram:   / ardentvisioneyecare  
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