Double Chin Liposuction | Successful Liposuction | Dr. Kamal Ud Din Khan

Описание к видео Double Chin Liposuction | Successful Liposuction | Dr. Kamal Ud Din Khan

When it comes to skin ageing, the neck is one of the first places to show age, and, for some people, fat is more likely to collect under the chin. This extra fat and loose skin can affect their overall jaw and facial profile.

Contact today for a 100% successful removal of under chin fats using Liposuction in a safe, comfortable and hygienic environment.

Contact today for consultation or appointment!
Dr Kamal Ud Din Khan

Cosmetico Clinic
Contact: +92 331 712 6665 | 051-8731009
QUETTA: Cosmetico Clinic, Model Town near Cakes & Cookies, Old Pishin Stop Quetta

ISLAMABAD: Plot 5-A Shop#1, Ground Floor near HBL Bank & National Bank Opposite Pakistan Post Office, Super Market F-6 Markaz, Islamabad


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