Online Lesson #67: Frank Sinatra, Vegas, and Jazz

Описание к видео Online Lesson #67: Frank Sinatra, Vegas, and Jazz

Hello Students,
Today we are going to talk about the history of jazz and Frank Sinatra, a legendary jazz singer. I hope you enjoy it!

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1. emerged - to become visible or important.

2. improvisation - a piece of music, drama, etc. created spontaneously or without preparation.

3. syncopation - the practice of changing the beats or accents in music or a rhythm so that strong beats become weak and vice versa.

4. pushing the boundaries - to act in a way that goes beyond what's normal or expected.

5. mob - the Mafia or a similar criminal organization.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever listened to jazz music before? What do you think of it?

2. Who is a famous jazz musician in your country?

3. Have you ever been to Las Vegas, or would you like to go?

4. What is your favorite music genre, and why do you like it?

5. Are there any places in Japan that are famous for pop culture, music, or celebrities?


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