Stalker Call of Pripyat - STCOP and GSWR - Better than Gunslinger?

Описание к видео Stalker Call of Pripyat - STCOP and GSWR - Better than Gunslinger?

Are these mods better than Gunslinger?

Install instructions
1: Install Call of Pripyat clean with no save games, delete the bin and gamedata folders.
2: download the mod. click the link provided below
3: put the mod zip file into the call of pripyat game directory.
4: unzip the mod file and overwrite any files
5: download the translation and in the "for gswr" folder there will be a gamedata folder
6: paste the gamedata folder into you main call of pripyat directory
7: run the file called M.F.S Team Launcher - click the arrow button on the bottom left to change to english if required.
8: configure the game to your liking and launch
The launcher is recommended to launch the game every time, create a shortcut on your desktop

Mod download link:
Mod translation link:

Mod details spread sheet:
Mod main page:

#stalker #gaming #stalkeranomaly


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