Meditation 9. Raising the Earthlight to Create Your Sphere of Light

Описание к видео Meditation 9. Raising the Earthlight to Create Your Sphere of Light

#initiatesoflight In this practice we begin to work with a Sphere of Light. A Sphere is a three dimensional Circle. Our practices up to this point has been working with the Circle which is one dimension. So now we strengthen the potential of our imaginations by creating and visualizing a Sphere of light imbued with the life force and energy of the Earth.

We begin this practice with First breath. After a number of minutes, there will be a pause in your breath practice. You will be guided to expand your awareness and visualize the radiant energy and life force of the Earth below you. You will then be guided to raise this energy of the Earth into the Temple of your body, heart and mind.

It will be this energy that you will be guided to create your 3 dimensional sphere of light. Once you create your Sphere of energy and Light within your mind you will be guided to release your sphere through your forehead to levitate in front of you level to your Third Eye. You are to focus your mind on your Sphere of Light.

Feel free to use your hands to assist your imagination when you begin to raise the Earthlight carrying this energy and light up and down the Temple of your physical form.


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