UPDATED Graviteam Tutorial: Combat (timestamps in description)

Описание к видео UPDATED Graviteam Tutorial: Combat (timestamps in description)

All inclusive combat tutorial.

Major Combat Mechanics:
1- What do the squares in the deployment phase mean? 1:00
2- Basic deployment 3:00
3- The importance of checking line of fire 7:40
4- Initial orders, basic commands, queuing and delaying orders 9:58
5- Off-map artillery 17:54
6- Indirect, on-map artillery 25:52
7- The importance of being hands off, and a combat example 37:05
8- Setting Ambushes, and example 57:25
9- Order wheel details, and modifier combos 1:01:43

Tips, etc:
1- AI fire and maneuver control buttons, and when they should be on /off 1:09:43
2- Recon and sub-selecting squads 1:12:27
3- Mounting AT to trucks, infantry to tanks, and APCs 1:17:02
4- Moving tanks via roads 1:18:36
5- Fire sectors and when to use them 1:19:22
6- Retreat/fall back command, and how to get out of trenches without losing Armour 1:21:42
7- Flare colors and what they mean 1:22:47

**If you have questions about who gains possession of squares after combat, refer to this video:
   • Graviteam Tutorial: What Determines P...  


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