Airbnb's incredible SEO Strategy (a break down)

Описание к видео Airbnb's incredible SEO Strategy (a break down)

SEO strategies come in all shapes and sizes - but Airbnb's SEO strategy is one that everyone should copy (if relevant).

We all know Airbnb the company, but how much do we know about their phenomenal SEO strategy that brings them 14 million organic monthly clicks (only for their .com domain)?

This strategy is also quite similar to Canva's and Zapier's with their use of templates to target a huge chunk of keywords and create some significant topical relevance.

Canva's SEO breakdown:
   • The SEO Strategy that led Canva to a ...  
Zapier's SEO breakdown:
   • The SEO strategy behind Zapier's 1.5M...  

Lot's to learn from their strategy, leave any questions or comments in the comment section. Also, let me know if there are any other companies you would like me to break down!

0:00 Intro
0:09 Airbnb organic traffic overview
0:28 Exploring top subfolders
1:12 Location based templates
2:13 URLs + Internal links
3:50 Airbnb Stays template
5:20 Luxury Retreats Strategy
6:50 Ahrefs Keyword Research

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