Bebop2 Magic Dronies Tests

Описание к видео Bebop2 Magic Dronies Tests

There are a few built-in flight tricks come with Follow Me. Recently I tried them and find them very easy to use. They give pretty good picture motion effect. The great thing is that the flyer can leave the controller behind to do post while Bebop2 is automatically doing the selfie shooting. I gotta try them again!

不知不覺冇玩Bebop2經已三個幾月,再飛番感覺仍然親切輕鬆;Follow Me分唇出左一排,但唔多見有人用Magic Dronies一鍵自拍,特登試下,發覺非常易用,効果亦唔錯,應該幾啱山系組,去一啲險要景點一鍵自拍;我知飛手們都可以手控做到,但用佢你可以擺低個控,手舞足蹈全程投入做post喎,係咪巧正呢!


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