MapleStory (MSEA) 100K STR Hero Equipment Showcase (Post-Newage)

Описание к видео MapleStory (MSEA) 100K STR Hero Equipment Showcase (Post-Newage)

Hi everyone! ^^ How has the Newage patch been for everyone? So I posted a poll recently to see what video my viewers would like to see me post next in the Post-Newage series and this was by far the most requested one.

I made some upgrades here and there but I think the majority of the stat gain came from the new symbols being maxed out. Some other upgrades include trading some of my equipment with friends and guildmates know who you are :3 .. Also the new brilliant scrolls were too good to not have so I improved some of my gear from there. And lastly, I reflamed and recubed some equipment but that was the most toxic upgrade and led to the least significant gains overall but I'll take what I can get. My last equipment video was about half a year ago and I'm honestly more than satisfied with the growth.

[Total stat change: ]
Previously: 90k with a 4th stat ring
Now: 103k without a 4th stat ring

[Thoughts on going forward:]
Where do I start? With the announcement of the new lvl 285 Carcion map to be released in upcoming patch we'll get another authentic symbol to equip, and then with the conversion of the remaining eternal set counterparts from the arcaneshade set we'll get even more stats and lastly even more stats to gain from the newly introduced hexa stats ,it leaves me feeling quite hopeful and amazed at the rate the game is pacing and going beyond 100k is certainly looks possible... XD Goodluck to everyone including myself in chasing those gains and have a very happy blessed year in 2024 in Maple!!


안녕하세요 Pearll입니다^^
보고싶은 영상이 있다면 댓글로 작성해주세요!
댓글과 좋아요는 큰 힘이 됩니다..!
항상 겸손한 자세로 꾸준하게 노력하겠습니다!!


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