bsc general vs bsc honours | what is difference between bsc and bsc hons

Описание к видео bsc general vs bsc honours | what is difference between bsc and bsc hons

Today we are here with an answer to one such question that is asked by many of you and that too more than once. And that important question is “How B.Sc General different from B.Sc Honors?” A lot of you people want to know whether B.Sc General is the right option to go with or B.Sc Honors will be better. Are the eligibility conditions of taking admission to both courses the same? Whether the syllabus of both the courses is the same or not. What is the difference in the duration of both the courses? What is the benefit of one over the other? Which course is more job oriented etc. etc.? So guys keep watching In this video till the very end.

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