SIBELIUS: Marche Funebre & Finlandia, played on Estey "Artists' Organ"

Описание к видео SIBELIUS: Marche Funebre & Finlandia, played on Estey "Artists' Organ"

In 1927, the great Finnish composer Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) wrote a set of pieces for his Masonic Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Finland. The music is scored for men's voices and harmonium. In 1935, the Finnish lodge presented the music to its parent lodge, the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. In 1950, that lodge published the set as "Masonic Ritual Music," with a preface stating that the music "is the tribute to Freemasonry of Jean Sibelius, a true and devoted Mason, and a composer who, by the overwhelming consensus of well-informed opinion, is sure of his future place in music as one of its immortal creators." The dramatic Funeral March is in the key of F minor. The last piece in the set is the hymn "Finlandia," which Sibelius composed in 1899, using words by his friend and fellow Mason Wäinö Sola, to whom the entire set is dedicated. The instrument is an Estey reed organ, which the company called its "Style Z Artists' Organ" or the "Colonial." It is the property of the Masonic Center in Brattleboro, Vermont, about a mile from the Estey factory, where this seven-rank instrument was built c. 1905. The Estey men were members of this lodge. The organ is in excellent condition, retains its original matching bench, and is for sale. Performed by Michael Hendron. Many thanks to Lodge No. 102 for the opportunity to record this Masonic music in their lodge on 16 July 2011.

Those familiar with the English hymn "Be still, my Soul," may be interested to read the original Masonic words, translated by Marshall Kernochan:

O gracious Lord, by whom the morning dawneth,
Now in Thy mercy bless our native land.
Let Thy Light shine, to drive away the shadows,
And free our homes from war's relentless hand.
To Thee our Brothers pray for truth and justice,
And in Thy faith they firmly take their stand.

Thy wisdom infinite is our reliance;
Thy hand shall keep our people strong and free.
They sow the seed, they humbly wait the harvest,
And give Thee thanks, whatever it may be.
Our honest toil and zeal shall bring us gladness,
For these are blessings, precious gifts from Thee.


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