Exotic Guppy breeding update / Care. 50 plus Guppies fry of Yellow Taxi, Jet black and Red Taxedo

Описание к видео Exotic Guppy breeding update / Care. 50 plus Guppies fry of Yellow Taxi, Jet black and Red Taxedo

Hello everyone! Welcome to my channel. These are the frys and growth rate video stay tuned many more to come, I have plans to breed guppy and raise fry, Please do subscribe for more such content. Thankyou! :) Happy Fish Keeping! #guppy #guppyfishselectivebreeding #guppyhouse #guppybreeding #guppybreeder #exoticguppies #aquascaping #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #pets #petvlog #aquarius #aqualife #breeding #plantedtanksetup #unboxing #animallover #fish #exoticfishes #exoticfishes #homeaquarium #fishfood #fryfood #guppyfry #fry #homebreed #tanksetup #plantedaquarium #fishbowl #fishfry #fish #fishbreeding


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