Uyghur Stories with Saydullam Eminov (2013), 33 minutes | subtitles in English

Описание к видео Uyghur Stories with Saydullam Eminov (2013), 33 minutes | subtitles in English

Saydullam Eminov was born in 1932 in Chilek, Almaty. He studied in university in Uzbekistan and worked as a teacher in Chilek. His uncle and uncle’s family were killed by the soviet soldiers during the bloody Atu tragedy in 1937. One of his uncles and his mother saved their lives from the genocide by hiding. He listened to some historical stories from Gheni Batur directly. He wants the Uyghur youths to learn the history and traditions of Uyghur people, gain knowledge as much as they can and save the honor of the Uyghur people.

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