The Long Road to Liberation: Evolution of Social Justice Practice & Implications for Clinical Care

Описание к видео The Long Road to Liberation: Evolution of Social Justice Practice & Implications for Clinical Care

Meag-gan O'Reilly, PhD
CEO and Co-Founder, Inherent Value Psychology Inc.

Staff Psychologist
Outreach, Equity, and Inclusion Program Coordinator
Vaden Health Services
Stanford Univ.

Wellness Education Lecturer
Stanford School of Medicine


Learning objectives:
At the end of this presentation, learners will be able to:

1) Define the following terms: diversity, inclusion, belonging, and justice

2) Articulate and apply the difference between equality and equity

3) Identify key points in social justice history

4) Gain a larger concept of what liberation is


Here are links to resources that were mentioned during this presentation:

Dr. O’Reilly’s presentation slides –

Presentation feedback survey –
Article: “Systems Centered Language” –   / systems-centered-language  

Article: “Five Faces of Oppression” –

Podcast: “1619, Episode 4: How the Bad Blood Started” –

Resource: “Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization” –


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