Black Women: Marriage is Forever!

Описание к видео Black Women: Marriage is Forever!

When you and your partner each have an intimate knowledge of the other's character, and your love is built on the solid foundation of mutual love, respect, fidelity, communication, and compromise, it's time to head to the altar for a marriage that will last a lifetime! :)

Music: Forever (Soulpower Remix)
Artist: The Brand New Heavies
Album: Excursions - Remixes & Rare Grooves

**The study quoted in the video is called "But Will It Last?": Marital Instability Among Interracial and Same-Race Couples." Here is a key finding: "Black husband/white wife marriages are twice as likely to divorce as white/white marriages, and Asian husband/white wife marriages are about 60% more likely to divorce as white/white marriages. White husband/black wife were nearly 50% less likely to divorce than white/white couples, and white husband/Asian wife couples had pretty much the same divorce rate as white/white couples ... [B]lack/white couples only show a higher rate of divorce compared to black/black couples if the white person in the relationship is a woman."



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