Sexual Transmitted Diseases, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes And AIDS | Class 12 (Urdu/Hindi)

Описание к видео Sexual Transmitted Diseases, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes And AIDS | Class 12 (Urdu/Hindi)

Hi Everyone! Welcome To My Channel "Ali Academy Biology Lectures"

About This Video ........................

In This Video Lecture You Will Learn Basic Concept Of Sexual Transmitted Disease
(I) Gonorrhoa
It is caused by a spirochaete, Treponema pallidum. It damages the reproductive organs, eyes bones
joints, central nervous system, heart and skin. Sexual contact is the major source of its dissimination.
sexual contacts with carrier or diseased person and adopting the hygienic conditions. The treatment
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deiciency Syndrome)
pregnant woman, virus can be transmitted to infant during birth, causing damage to eyes and CNS

through the infected birth canal. It is highly contagious through sexual contacts.
Control : The above dreadful sexual diseases can be controlled and prevented by avoiding
It is caused by a gram positive bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, mainly afecting the mucous
infection of the genitalia. It produces genital soreness and ulcers in the infected areas. In infected
of the infant.
It is caused by a herpes simplex type 2 virus, most frequently transmitted by sexual contact causing
its spread.
membrane of urinogenital tract. New born infants may acquire serious eye infections if they pass
(ii) Syphilis

You are already familiar with this dangerous disease. Sexual contact is one of the major sources of
(iii) Genital Herpes
involves medication for a long period except AIDS at present.

About This Channel.....................

I make these videos cause I love to draw and connect the complexity of science and medicine into art. I'm not saying. I'm 100% correct in all my videos, but I do try to obtain the information from credible sources.
One-stop destination for all biology lectures.
_ students in class 11, 12 or appearing for competitive medical exams ( NMDCAT ) will find it very beneficial
_ The videos are categories under various heading to make the students life simplified

Visit My Other Channel Playlist .....................

NMDCAT PART 1:    • New 1st Year Biology  

NMDCAT PART 2:    • New 2nd Year Biology  

Class 11th Lectures:    • New 1st Year Biology  

Class 12th Lectures:    • New 2nd Year Biology  

Class 10th Lectures:
   • Matric Biology  

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