Elmo GS1200 Re-wind and Take-Up Motors

Описание к видео Elmo GS1200 Re-wind and Take-Up Motors

This particular Elmo projector is now close to 40 years old. Both those low voltage take up and rewind motors, can play up due to wear between the two brushes and the commutator, plus a deposit build up between each of the commutator segments. What I did was to remove the end motor brackets and give things a good clean out. Its been a good 10 years, since a have done this work with on original projector, and have had no problems since. Both those motors are wired in parallel, so its best to clean both at the same time, as a problem with one can effect the other. The only thing not shown in the video is applying a drop of oil on the end cover bearing, you can do this anytime afterwards. The idea behind this video though, is to show that even with age you might get a bit more life out of those two motors before the need for replacement.


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