Top 10 Countries by G.D.P Growth 2019

Описание к видео Top 10 Countries by G.D.P Growth 2019

Hello gys
Thise is the list of Top 10 Countries by G.D.P Growth 2019
there are lot's of countries in thise world and many are of theme are devloping nations the devlopment of the nation is majorle mesered by G.D.P. and thise is the outcome of the whole year G.D.P. 2019 of countries

Rank Country/Economy GDP growth (%) GDP (billions of $) GDP per capita ($) Continent
2019 2020 Nominal Rank Nominal Rank
1 Dominica 9.372 4.935 0.593 185 8,381 80 North America
2 South Sudan 7.932 8.213 3.681 160 275 192 Africa
3 Rwanda 7.800 8.100 10.209 142 825 173 Africa
4 Bangladesh 7.792 7.445 317.465 41 1,906 149 Asia

5 Ghana 7.457 5.607 67.077 74 2,223 143 Africa
6 Ethiopia 7.440 7.198 91.166 66 953 167 Africa
7 Nepal 7.051 6.270 29.813 104 1,048 165 Asia
8 Cambodia 6.970 6.772 26.730 106 1,621 152 Asia
9 Mauritania 6.628 5.879 5.651 151 1,392 156 Africa
10 Benin 6.551 6.701 14.374 127 1,217 163 Africa
11 The Gambia 6.528 6.405 1.773 173 755 177 Africa
12 Mongolia 6.500 5.367 13.637 129 4,133 116 Asia
13 Vietnam 6.500 6.500 261.637 46 2,740 136 Asia
14 Maldives 6.466 6.045 5.786 149 15,563 58 Asia
15 Lao P.D.R. 6.434 6.507 19.127 115 2,670 137 Asia
16 Turkmenistan 6.338 6.038 46.674 90 7,816 84 Asia
17 Niger 6.280 6.050 9.443 143 405 188 Africa
18 Myanmar 6.203 6.259 65.994 76 1,245 162 Asia
19 Uganda 6.156 6.216 30.666 102 770 176 Africa
20 China 6.139 5.819 14,140.160 2 10,099 70 Asia
21 India

we wishes all the countries to grow more and more forward and govermet should bring more and more polices to grew up there countries

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