Old Christian English Hymn - I need not ask what time will bring - Step by step to the Glory land

Описание к видео Old Christian English Hymn - I need not ask what time will bring - Step by step to the Glory land

Song History :
Jennie Bain Wilson (1857-1913) was an American hymn writer. She survived typhoid fever as a little girl, but her spine was damaged by the bacterial infection. She used a wheelchair from childhood and she was educated at home. Wilson wrote thousands and published hundreds of Christian hymns. she was known as the "Fanny Crosby of the West".

Song Lyrics :
1 I need not ask what time will bring
While to my Savior’s hand I cling;
A song of trust my soul can sing,
For step by step He will lead me.
Step by step to the glory-land,
My Savior guides with a loving hand;
I go to dwell with the blood-washed band,
And step by step He will lead me.
2 I need not fear tho' dark the way,
For Jesus close to me doth stay;
Until the dawn of perfect day
Still step by step He will lead me. [Chorus]
3 Oft on my path falls golden light,
And blooming flowers greet my sight;
My Savior’s love makes all scenes bright,
And step by step He will lead me. [Chorus]
4 I shall not have to go alone
From earth into the realms unknown;
My Lord doth ne’er forsake His own,
And step by step He will lead me. [Chorus]
#drshinyjoseph #christiansongs #jesus #churchservice #hymn


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