lesson 3-2 Acacia tree adaptation and giraffe | شجره السنط و الزرافه

Описание к видео lesson 3-2 Acacia tree adaptation and giraffe | شجره السنط و الزرافه

الفيديوهات القصيره التعليميه لمنهج الرابع الأبتدائي العلوم تعتمد علي أحدث طرق التعليم التي توفر للطلبه و الأمهات الأدوات اللازمه لتعليم أطفالهم منهج العلوم للصف الرابع الابتدائي لغات وفقا لمتطلبات وزاره التربيه و التعليم
الفيديو يحسن جوده الأستماع للغه الإنجليزيه
يمكن للأمهات الأعتماد علي الترجمه العربيه لفهم محتوي الفيديو و مساعده الأمهات في إستيعاب المحتوي
و يجب تدريب الطلاب علي محتوي الفيديو بالترجمه الإنجليزيه وأولا ثم بدون الترجمه بعد ذلك للتأكد من إستيعاب الأطفال الكامل لمنهج الصف الرابع الأبتدائي

لتحسين محتوي منهج العلوم للصف الرابع الابتدائي :
رجاء راسلونا عبر الكومنتات و نشر المحتوي بين الأطفال و الأمهات

this is savannah forest
savannah forest is in Southern Africa
what is the Characteristics of savannah forest ?
- Savannah forest is a grassland habitat.
- The temperature in the savannah forest is mild. -
- Savannah forest is characterized by drought conditions, so most of large plants can't grow.
what is the drought conditions ?
- In the savannah , there is extreme lack of water during the dry season which lasts for half of the year without rainfal.
that's why most of large plants can't grow there
yes , but When you look over the savannah, you can see one large umbrella-shaped tree scattered through out the landscape which is acacia tree .
Acacia tree grows in savannah forest in Southern Africa because of its structural and behavioral adaptation
How does Acacia tree structurally adapt to live in savannah forest ?
1- Root
-It has a very long root grows directly downward known as the "taproot".
- This root searches for water as deep as 35 meters below the soil surface.
- Its trunk is very long, so most animals except giraffe cannot reach its leaves to feed on.
- Acacia is adapted to survive through many months of drought in its environment.
.The trunk in acacia tree stores water as the hump in the camel stores fat.
- It has tiny leaves growing on its top to help it hold in water, while soaking up sunlight needed to make food.
- Its leaves have sharp spines to protect them from hungry mouths of animals.
How does Acacia tree behaviorally adapt to live in savannah forest ?
Acacia tree can defend itself as follows:
- When an animal begins eating the leaves of the acacia, the tree also begins to produce a poison that makes the leaves taste very bad.
- Then it sends a smelly message in the wind to acacia trees nearby telling them to start making the same poison .
Do you think this giraffe can continue eating a lot of leaves of acacia tree?
No , because the tree also begins to produce a poison that makes the leaves taste very bad
you are excellent
In the next video we will talk about another umbrella-shaped tree ,
Kapok tree structural and behavioral adaptation ,
Don't forget to share the video to your friends , goodbye
و سيتم إضافه باقي الفيديوهات عن منهج الصف الرابع الابتدائي لغات تباعا خلال الشهر الحالي
و كذلك فيديوهات التدريبات علي الكلمات و المحتوي science grade 4 first term


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