01. Venus and relationships - Sarbani Rath

Описание к видео 01. Venus and relationships - Sarbani Rath

Conflicts and Problems in Relationships
2005 West Coast SJC Vedic Astrology Conference
Sunnyvale, CA

Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) was established in 1998 in India with the objective of teaching jyotish in the time honored tradition of maharishi Parasara and Jaimini and sages of yore. The tradition traces its lineage to Mahapurush Achyuta Dasa, the disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Jyotish or Vedic astrology is taught by a panel of jyotish gurus in the traditional jyotish parampara of Sri Achyuta Dasa of Jagannath, Puri.
SJC attempts to infuse the highest standards of integrity through the strict discipline of yogic practices of Vedic tradition including training in remedial measures. Meditation including dhyana, dharana, and pranayama is taught to ensure spiritual discipline while classes on scriptures and Sanskrit ensure a balanced spiritual growth along with the knowledge of astrology.
SJC aims at continuing the time honoured guru-shishya tradition and is dedicated to the propagation of Vedic and Vedic Astrology learning covering the gamut of allied subjects including astrology, scriptural studies and mantra shastra, numerology, vastu shastra, shakuna Shastra, swapna shastra and yoga.
It concentrates on propagating research in the highest scholastic tradition in the different areas of jyotish and aims at demystifying the subject by rescuing it from the hands of quacks, while restoring its dignity and prestige that it enjoyed previously.
SJC has numerous students around the world who are connected through e-lists (Achyuta Gurukulam, Varahamihira, Vedic Astrology) and free online classes where there are intense discussions on a variety of issues. In more recent times, numerous study circles and centers have started around the world.
We believe that Sri Jagannath Mahaprabhu (Krishna in the form of the Universal Teacher as adored and worshipped in Puri, India) will always guide our intellect in this holy mission.


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