Final Fantasy XII Final Hunt Yiazmat (part 3/6)

Описание к видео Final Fantasy XII Final Hunt Yiazmat (part 3/6)

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45 - Farewell to a Legend

Mark: Yiazmat
Requirements: After Pharos, finish all other hunts, and defeat the Hell Wyrm.
Petitioner: Montblanc (Rabanastre)
Mark Location: Ridorana Cataract/Colosseum
Bounty: 30000 gil, Godslayer's Badge

The petitioner is once again Montblanc. Montblanc does not even hint at the location for this mark. The mark is very easy to find however. Go to the Ridorana Cataract via the Strahl or teleport to the Pharos and walk outside. You need to head toward the Colosseum of the Ridorana Cataracter to find this mark. A cutscene will take place as your party approaches Yiazmat.

Statistics :

Lv. 73
HP: 50,112,254
MP: 999
Weak: Dark
Absorb: Holy
Exp: 0
LP : 255
Steal: Holy Crystal, Holy Magicite, Holy Stone

Battle :

Yiazmat is found at the Coliseum at the Ridorana Cataract. His total health is made up of fifty individual bars consisting of one million HP each (50 million HP). The player will have to be careful, since the arena is covered in traps. As his energy goes down, Yiazmat's battle tactics will change as his HP is depleted, but most of his attacks either involve attacking the whole team at once for massive damage, or using Instant Death attacks should the party get out of his reach. Yiazmat also can wipe out the party's best character with a couple of hits, regardless of the kind of equipment they are wearing, as all of his physical attacks have a 5% chance of inflicting Instant Death.

Yiazmat's most annoying tactic is that when his HP goes below 50%, all attacks against him are capped at 6,999 damage, so the battle becomes about using combo weapons rather than damage dealers. If the party wanders too far from his reach, Yiazmat will start casting buffs on himself, starting with Protect, then Bravery, Faith and Regen. It's possible to leave the area to use the Save Crystal, buy more items, etc. and then come back and continue the battle, however, the player must make their exit fast; if Yiazmat has time to cast Regen before the party has left the area, it will keep on gaining HP, even while the party is away.

When Yiazmat's HP is about at 9 - 10 bars left, he will use Growing Threat to boost his damage output even further. When he has about 4 - 5 bars of health left, he will start using Reflectga, but it is a once per stage cast. If the player is not careful, a Renew spell could be reflected off the party, fully healing Yiazmat. On the other hand, Yiazmat is susceptible to the Expose technick, which allows even relatively weak characters deal maximum damage. Yiazmat combos more often as his life goes down.

In the Final Fantasy XII: International Zodiac Job System Yiazmat is susceptible to all stat-lowering attacks (Expose, Wither, Shear, and Addle), which allows player to defeat the beast even with a low level party.

The battle will easily take over an hour, with completing it in two hours considered fast by most players. The main reason for this is that the player can leave the area whenever, and when they return Yiazmat's HP will be the same. However, there is a round indicator in the upper right part of the screen, showing how often the party fled from the battle. It has no other purpose.

Equipment :

Yiazmat absorbs Holy, but is weak against Dark, making Ninja Swords good weapons, as they also have high chance of comboing. The Yagyu Darkblade is of extreme usefulness here, although it can be tedious to obtain three. If the Ninja Sword user (Dark element) wears the Black Robe (boosts Dark damage) and the Genji Gloves, they will get an additional 50% damage bonus against Yiazmat (weakness to Dark), dealing 300% damage. And with the Genji Gloves, the player will combo more often. Since damage is capped, weapons with high combo rate often make better weapons than ones with sheer attack power.

Yiazmat has Null Evade making shields pointless. The only shield one might want to use is the Shell Shield for the mage (they can then equip no weapon, but it might not matter). It's a good idea to purchase six Bubble Belts and wear them at all times, even for the back-up party. The party can buy Windbreakers from Rabanastre to switch to when Yiazmat is readying Cyclone to take half-damage, but by the end of the battle Cyclone is cast so fast there may be no time to do the switch anymore. Yiazmat's attacks ignore vitality.


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