The BRUTAL Execution Of Saint Anne Line - The Priest Hider

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During the Tudor period, there were dozens of thousands of executions carried out by the different Kings and Queens such as Henry VIII and Bloody Mary I. But during the reign of Elizabeth I, the executions continued especially in response to her changes to religious. Elizabeth tried to unite religion with the Religious Settlement, but this still persecuted Catholics. One such woman who went to her death during Elizabeth I's reign was Saint Anne Line. She was a devout Catholic, and took great steps to shelter priests who conducted Catholic Mass which was banned.

Anne Line knew that this could cost her life, but she continued to run a house that hid priests and ran banned religious services. But following one afternoon service, she was found out and was then arrested by authorities. She claimed that she regretted nothing, except that she did not hide thousands of priests and after this was sentenced to death. On the Tyburn Gallows, Saint Anne Line was executed in front of a huge crowd for her breaking of Elizabeth I's religious rules.

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