Dev Kit Weekly: M5Stack’s Core2 ESP32 IoT development kit

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We hear more and more about the need to maintain our health – see the explosion of smart watches that monitor your heart rate and oxygen levels, amount of exercise per day, and even how much you’re breathing. If you want to create your own health monitoring device, you can even make one at home with the help of M5Stack’s Core2 ESP32 IoT development kit.
The M5Stack Core2 is a 54 mm x 54 mm x 16 mm, touch screen IoT development kit based on the ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3 MCU from Espressif Systems. The ESP32 is powered by dual-core Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 processors capable of running at 240 Mhz to deliver up to 600 DMIPS of performance and includes 520 KB of SRAM.
Of course, you’re a developer, which means you can get your work in in other ways than just the treadmill. For those of you who are more keyboard-inclined, the Core2 is compatible with multiple development platforms like UIFlow, MicroPython, .NET, nanoFramework, and the Arduino development environments, so you can use whatever’s most comfortable for you. There are even examples and tutorials provided in each on the Core2 product page to help get you familiarized, programming, and controlling your M5Stack kit.
Included in those examples is – you guessed it – a sample health monitor project that leverages the M5Stack Core2, heartrate monitor, temperature sensor, and a connectivity gateway on the hardware side and a software stack consisting of M5Stack’s UIFlow(CORE2), M5BURNER firmware, the Python-based Thonny IDE, and the Waylay IO automation platform.
If you’re interested in getting your own M5Stack Core2 IoT development kit, they are in stock and available for purchase through the product page for just $46.90. But, of course, you can always take a gamble by entering the raffle linked above for a chance to win this kit for absolutely free. We’ll even pay the shipping.


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