EVERY Known Flavour of Bertie Bott's Beans - Harry Potter Explained

Описание к видео EVERY Known Flavour of Bertie Bott's Beans - Harry Potter Explained

Hey everyone

Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory.

This video is a little out of the norm for the channel- and may not be everyone's cup of tea. I was just thinking the other day - what flavours of Bertie Bott's beans do we know about? I started looking in to it, and decided to just make a quick video on it.

In the video, we'll be discussing Sweets of the wizarding world, or more specifically, Bertie Bott’s every flavoured beans. Bertie Bott’s beans are basically the wizarding equivalent of Jelly beans, but come in a much much wider variety of flavours, some delicious, and some disgusting. The bean flavours of course cover the basics like chocolate and green apple, but they also cover some….questionable flavours, like ‘envelope glue’ and ‘dirty sock’.

Here’s what Dumbledore had to say on the matter:

"Ah! Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans! I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit-flavoured one. And since then, I'm afraid I've lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee... Hum! Alas! Earwax."
—Albus Dumbledore[src]

The true kicker with Bertie Bott’s beans is that you never really know what flavour you’re going to get, placing your taste buds in a veritable state of confusion and trepidation. If you’ve been fortunate enough to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando or Universal studios, then you may have been able to pick up a pack of Bertie Bott’s beans. You may have also been able to pick some up online. However, if you’ve never had the opportunity to try them, then you truly have no idea what your taste buds are missing. Though the real-life Bertie botts beans were only manufactured in 25 flavours, the wizarding world had infinitely more. In this video, we’ll be quickly going over EVERY known flavour of Bertie Bott’s beans.

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