Kausi 1; Erikoisjakso 5: Siikaisten prötti, osa 2/2; valmistus - Tapahtuu mummolassa !

Описание к видео Kausi 1; Erikoisjakso 5: Siikaisten prötti, osa 2/2; valmistus - Tapahtuu mummolassa !

Resepti suomeksi :


1kg jauhoisia muussiperunoita.
1,5 dl ruisjauhoja
1dl kaljamaltaita
1tl suolaa
2rkl siirappia

margariinia vuoan voiteluun

Pidä perunoita yön yli jos mahdollista"paleltumassa" ulkona.
Kuori ja lohko perunat ja keitä ne kypsiksi suht vähässä vedessä.
Kypsät perunat muussataan hyvin ja annetaan jäähtyä niin ettei yhtään polta kättä vaan muussi on ainoastaan hiukan lämmintä.
Sekoita siihen ruisjauhoista melkein kaikki ja loput ripottele päälle. Laita kattila nyt imeltymään hellan reunalle mutta ei kuumaan tai uuniin n.50° ja se saa olla imeltymässä ainakin 3-4tuntia.
Imeltymisen huomaa paitsi imelästä mausta myös siitä että se seos löystyy selvästi ja siihen nousee ikäänkuin "vesi" reunoille tai päälle.
Sitten sekoitat seokseen maltaat ja annat taas imeltyä kunnolla ainakin tunnin.
Nyt lisää siihen suola ja siirappi ja sekoita hyvin kaikki sekaisin.
Laita paistovuokaan ja uuniin n.170° ja siellä reilu tunti tai puolitoista.
Nauti pröttiä esim. maidon kanssa.

Recipe in English :


1kg floured mashed potatoes.
1.5 dl rye flour
1dl beer malt
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons syrup

margarine for lubrication of the pan

Keep potatoes overnight if possible "freezing" outdoors.
Peel and slice the potatoes and cook them in relatively little water.
The ripe potatoes are mashed well and allowed to cool so that no hand burns but the mousse is only slightly warm.

Stir almost all of the rye flour into it and sprinkle the rest on top. Now put the pot to self-sweeten on the edge of the stove but not in a hot or oven approx. 50 ° and it must be self-sweetening for at least 3-4 hours.
Self-sweetening is noticed not only by the sweet taste but also by the fact that the mixture loosens clearly and "water" rises to the edges or on it.
Then you mix the malt into the mixture and let it self-sweeten properly for at least an hour.
Now add salt and syrup and mix well.
Put in a baking dish and oven approx. 170 ° and there for more than an hour or an hour and a half.
Enjoy Prötti with milk, for example.

More info about Prötti and self sweetening..

The name Prötti might become from the Swedish word for Bread aka Bröd since in Satakunta lived and still lives Swedish speaking Finns and Prötti is just the words Finnish way to say the word. For Finns It has always been difficult to pronounce letters B, C, D, F, G.. So for Finns letter B becomes P and letter D becomes T. And in Finnish words seldom end to conconant letter.. So Finns tend to add i in the end of words ending consonant, and most often also second consonant reminding the last consonant of the foreign word... This explanation then is quite valid.

Prötti (Proetti) aka Self-sweetened Rye-potato oven-porridge
Three types or variations of Prötti :
1) Porridge; If added flour as in this recipe and baked the time like here, will become porridge.
2) firm pudding; If added flour more and baked more time, will become firm pudding.
3) bread; If added a lot of flour and baked necessary time (not to burn), eventually becomes sweet bread.

Imeltyminen = sweetening by potato, flours and warm.. No sugar is added in to food. Idea in Imeltyminen (Sweetening) is to change the structure of food, that It itself makes the sugar.. The starch of potato will fragment and change into sugar in the warm (over body temperature, 50 celsius degrees or so)..

This word Imeltyminen has no google translation. That is why It is explained here. I guess the best English translation would be "Finnish" somekind of Potato and flour self-warm-sweetening, shortly maybe Warm-sweetening/Finnish sweetening. This type of sweetening is probably done traditionally by only Finnish tribes in Finland, but this fact is not sure though.

Same kind of process of Imeltyminen (sweetening) is used by making traditional Hämäläinen (Häme) food, also eaten everywhere in Finland at Christmas, called Imelletty perunalaatikko. Look at wikipedia article : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imellet... Also traditional Finnish easter food mämmi is made by the process of Imeltyminen (sweetening). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A4mmi http://ruokaverstas.blogspot.com/2017...


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