Derealization and Depersonalisation: How I deal with it

Описание к видео Derealization and Depersonalisation: How I deal with it

This is personally how I deal with it, so it might not help you as we are all on our own journey and at different stages.
READ BELOW to see if any of the following affect your DR/DP in anyway:
- Past or recent trauma
- Depression
- Dissociative disorders or other mental health disorder/illness
- Panic attacks or anxiety
- Drugs (meds or "just for fun" drugs)
- Insomnia
- Caffeine or food sensitivity
- Hormonal Imbalances
- An accident or big change in your life
- Bereavement
- An illness
- Hyper sensitive
- Constantly thinking intensely
- Existential thinking
- Vitamin deficiency
- Chronic isolation or not going outside
- Toxic poisoning
- Consuming a lot of artificial sweeteners

Do any of you have this? (I am curious)
Visual snow
Very vivid dreams that feel more real than reality

When mine first started: I was forced into therapy because I was caught having an eating disorder, the therapist made me tell her about my childhood abuse and teen traumas (which I had perfectly blocked out in my mind) but she never dealt with it so I started to experience anxiety/panic attacks/depression and over time I developed DP/DR.

1.5 years later something triggered it badly and I was diagnosed with PTSD. I am not sure if I want to talk about this, perhaps one day.


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