Article-Based Doctorate

Описание к видео Article-Based Doctorate

Introduction 00:39
Process and Planning 02:54
Structure and Red Thread 07:57
Originality and Contribution 21:08
Authorship and Copyright 22:10
Take away 23:48

A dissertation based on articles in academic journals must meet the following criteria:

1. There must be at least three or four submitted peer-reviewed publications (articles or chapters in a book). Two of these publications need to be published or formally accepted for publication. It is the responsibility of the doctoral advisory committee to safeguard the quality of the publications;
2. The doctoral student should be the author with the greatest contribution to at least three such publications;
3. The compiled contributions should show clear consistency in terms of contents;
4. The compiled contributions should be preceded by an introduction that elaborates on the problem and the structure of the dissertation, the methodology, and the importance of the research clearly and conclusively;
5. The compiled contributions should be followed by a discussion and conclusion that provides an answer to the research questions raised consistently;
6. The doctoral student should support their contributions with research data to be updated until the moment of the promotion. If applicable, the research hypothesis and conclusions will also be amended in light of this update.

The conclusion that a submitted dissertation meets these criteria does not detract from the autonomous authority of the Examination Board to decide whether the dissertation is acceptable.


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